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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve


How will you support my child's transition between classes and keystages?

The school recognises that transitions can be difficult for children with SEND and their families and so take steps to ensure any transition is as smooth as possible.


If your child is moving to another school we will:

  • Contact the school’s SENCO and ensure they know about any special arrangements and support that needs to be made for your child

  • Forward all records about your child as soon as possible

  • Ensure that your child has undertaken supported visits to their new setting


If you child is moving classes or year groups in school:

  • Information will be passed on to new teachers and all relevant information will be shared

  • Resources/visual timetables passed to new teachers

  • Children will visit their new class before the actual move takes place and have the chance to ask questions about the change

  • The SENCO and new class teacher will put together an individualised transition booklet with photographs of key individuals and places for children to look at and read with parents at home
