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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve




Our Dream


At Redhill, our dream is for art to:


Develop our children into creative, curious artists who are able to experiment, express and celebrate their personal artistic tastes whilst also maintaining a curiosity to explore, discover and appreciate the work of other artists and designers.


Give students an opportunity to express themselves and celebrate their individuality, whilst learning more about themselves and the world that they are connected to, both in terms of the world in which we live today and the cultural and artistic strings of thought that link us to the people who have lived before us.


Provide students with an understanding of how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation and the wider world.


Instil an appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts and the world around them, by stimulating imagination and creativity and immersing children in a range of visual, tactile and sensory experiences, which enable them to communicate what they see, think and feel through the use of the elements of colour, texture, form and pattern.


Follow a progressive and broad curriculum of techniques and styles, that link to the wider storybook curriculum, providing a real context for learning and, through enterprise and show-casing events, give children a real purpose - and pride - in the art that they produce.


Support students to value the power of art and recognise it as an important, instructive tool for developing and nurturing empathy and compassion, as well as an avenue for expression and self-development throughout their lives.


Develop artists with a vast knowledge of the breadth and depth of world of art and an awareness of a diverse array of artists from across all backgrounds, ethnicities, personal beliefs and experiences.


Provide learners with the space to take ownership of their creativity and the artistic process, by applying progressive skills that have been explicitly taught and encourage experimentation, critical thinking, risk-taking and problem-solving in a safe, supportive environment.


Ensure every child is fully included and participates with a belief that they have every chance of success.

Redhill Curriculum: Art Overview


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


  • Primary colours - exploring mixing different colours. 
  • Choosing particular colours  for a purpose.
  • Sketching - Self portraits
  • Clay - divas (Diwali)
  • Saying what we like about our and others’ artwork.
  • Work of other artists - Pablo Picasso
  • Colours - exploring making shades of different colours.
  • Safely using and exploring a variety of materials, tools and techniques.
  • Experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function
  • Comparing two or more pieces of art and explain which one they prefer and why.
  • Work of other artists - Monet 
  • Collage
  • Developing own ideas by selecting materials and processes that interest them
  • Make decisions about how media and materials can be combined and changed
  • Evaluating our own work and explaining could be changed next time.
  • Work of other artists -  Andy Goldsworthy and Eric Carle

Year 1

  • Sketching - portraits 
  • Collage - using materials to create new shapes
  • Work of other artists - Van Gogh - portraits
  • Painting - primary colours, different brushes and tools and different scales.
  • Sculpture - Clay - pinch pots
  • Printing - using printing blocks and natural materials.
  • Sketching - landscapes
  • Work of other artists - Van Gogh - landscapes
  • Textiles - keyrings

Year 2

  • Printing - repeated patterns and stencils. 
  • Sketching - self-portraits using all the main facial features and to show emotions.
  • Sculpture - Coil pots, creating slabs and slab Terracota soldiers.
  • Collage - using manmade and natural materials to create an image.
  • Work of other artists - Andy Goldsworthy. 
  • Painting - mixing primary colours to make secondary colours and different types of brush strokes. 
  • Textiles - using running stitch to make puppets.

Year 3

  • Sketching - self-portraits (using the correct proportions) 
  • Different types of pencils for different uses
  • Printing - impressed printing, printing blocks and mono-printing
  • Painting - different ways that paint can be applied to paper
  • Work of other artists - Joseph Wright
  • Textiles - bookmarks (tye-dye and stitching)
  • Sculpture - Clay - why slip is important and using slip to combine two pinch pots to make a sphere. 
  • Collage - Mosaics - tessellating patterns, use of colour and materials for effect. 
  • Work of other artists - Gaudi


Year 4

  • Sketching - drawing bodies and limbs with accurate proportions and using different grades of pencils to make different marks.
  • Sculpture - Clay - different types of clay for different purposes and using clay to make Viking artefacts. 
  • Painting - mixing paints to make the exact colour needed and using colours to reflect mood. 
  • Collage - what a montage is and overlapping different parts of a collage for effect, either to create layers or to change colour. 
  • Printing - creating prints using more than one colour and overlapping and layering prints for effect.
  • Textiles - batik and wax resist techniques for adding more precise designs and decorations to textiles and adding cross-stitch for decorative stitching.

Year 5

  • Sketching - drawing body shapes using perspective and shadow to create depth. 
  • Collage - Combining printing backgrounds with a range of materials to produce a collage.
  • Work of other artists - Frieda Kahlo, Kurt Schwitters and Dolan Geiman. 
  • Textiles - Printing onto fabric and embellishing with decorations. 
  • Painting - Exploring different types of paint (watercolours, acryllics and oil). 
  • Work of other artists - impressionist art - Monet.
  • Sculpture - Clay - creating functional pottery with handles, lips and stands. 
  • Printing - Hapazome printing (using natural resources to create prints).

Year 6

  • Sketching - showing depth and movement through printing. 
  • Sculpture - Clay - Using slip and score to join slabs to make WW2 monuments 
  • Work of other artists - Henry Moore
  • Printing - Linocut printing and how prints can be embellished and accentuated using other materials using e.g. collage, paint washes 
  • Collage - Adding collage to a painted background to create landscapes 
  • Work of other artists - Stanley Donwood
  • Textiles - creating cushions using invisible stitches to join pieces of fabric together.
  • Painting - abstract paintings and complementary and contrasting colours. 
  • Work of other artists - Matisse

Key Three


Redhill Arts Week 2022: Arts Trail

Pupil View

Art Co-Ordinators

If you have any questions about this area of the curriculum, please feel free to get in touch with one of the co-ordinators either through Class Dojo or by contacting the school office.

