School Uniform
Our school uniform dress code is inclusive and affordable. Children at Redhill always look smart and parents are extremely supportive of our dress code. Jumpers, polo shirts and cardigans with the school logo are available from the following suppliers as detailed below;
- Uniformality: Borrowash, Tel: 01332 677498
- Morleys: Chaddesden, Tel: 01332 281311
Logo clothing does look very nice, but we must stress these are not compulsory and non-logo items are perfectly acceptable. We just ask that children come to school dressed in the correct colours and follow our school uniform dress code.
We are pleased to inform parents that periodically throughout the year we will notify parents that a selection of pre-loved uniform is available. At the end of each term we go through our lost property basket, distributing any named items to the appropriate child. We will also send several messages to our parents requesting parents check lost property. At the start of each term any items left in lost property will be transferred to the pre-loved uniform bank. Any parent is able to contact the school office at any time in confidence, if they wish to check availability and procure an item of pre-loved clothing.
We also would be very grateful if parents have any items of uniform which no longer fit their child that they donate it to the pre-loved uniform bank.
Girls (All year round):
- Navy blue or charcoal grey skirt, pinafore dress, culottes or uniform trousers (not fashion trousers or jeans)
- sky blue or white polo shirt or blouse and school tie (optional)
- navy blue cardigan, pullover or school sweatshirt
- black shoes which may be buckled, laced, velcro-ed or slip-on and of an appropriate height for school
- white or blue calf length socks or navy tights
Girls (Spring/Summer - optional):
- Blue checked dress
- navy blue cardigan
- white socks
- sturdy white, black or blue sandals
Boys (All year round):
- Sky blue or white polo shirt or shirt and school tie (optional)
- long or short plain uniform trousers or shorts in navy blue or charcoal grey
- navy blue pullover or school sweatshirt
- black shoes buckled, laced, velcro-ed or slip-on
- plain dark socks
All pupils:
- navy shorts
- plain white polo shirts
- School jumper or cardigan
- navy joggers, tracksuit bottoms (or leggings for girls)
- waterproofs (Rec & Year 1 only)
- black plimsolls (Infants)
- Trainers (Juniors)