Our School Day
Our school's compulsory hours are from opening at 8.45am to the end of school day at 3.30pm. Across five days, this is a total of 33.75 hours per week.
Our 'Normal' School Day 2023-2024
8.45 – Doors open. All children enter through their designated classroom entrance door and are met by their teacher or an adult from their class. In order to keep our children safe, we ask that adults don’t come into school this way. If you wish to speak to a member of staff, just come along to the main office.
8.45-9.05 – Registration. Children all have morning registration activities focussing on developing either their arithmetic or spelling skills, so it is important that children arrive promptly.
9.05 – 10.15 – Lesson one (until 10.30 on a Wednesday)
10.15 - 10.30 – Whole school assembly (Monday, Tuesday, Friday), Infant assembly (Wednesday) or Junior Assembly (Thursday)
10.30 - 10.45 - Break time.
10.45 - 11.45/12.00 - Lesson Two.
11.45/12.00 – 12.45/1.00 – Lunch is staggered, with some classes breaking at 11.45 and others finishing at 12.00.
12.45/1.00– 3.25/3.30 – Afternoon session. There isn’t a timetabled break in the afternoon. Instead, teachers give their class a break when appropriate. The Reception class finishes at 3.25. All classes exit via their designated classroom exit doors. We have a comprehensive handover policy to keep children safe which can be viewed here.