Maths at Redhill
Our Dream for Maths
At Redhill, our dream is for all children to leave our school as:
Individuals who find joy in Maths through: possessing a curiosity about how the discipline can be used to analyse and understand the world around them; taking pleasure and pride in utilising their resilience to overcome challenges involving their mathematical skills; and recognising mathematical development as a continual, enjoyable and practical lifelong process.
Young adults who are aware of and celebrate the abundance of mathematics in everyday life and who possess: the fluent, efficient mental maths skills for everyday tasks; the financial and organisational literacy to prepare them for future independence; the critical capacity to understand and interrogate the data and statistics presented to them in society; and the representational ability to demonstrate and share their mathematical understanding and findings through clear, carefully selected abstract, concrete, graphic and pictorial methods.
Students with abilities beyond national expectations and surpassing the foundational mathematical knowledge for beginning their secondary school education, who recognise and celebrate the many intertwining threads between maths and every other subject and have developed an awareness of a diverse range of influential, cross-disciplinary mathematicians and their impacts on society.
Curriculum Overview
Redhill Curriculum: Maths Overview | |||
| Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term |
Reception | Getting to know you | Alive in 5 | To 20 and beyond |
Year 1 | Place value to 10 | Addition and subtraction within 20 | Multiplication and division |
Year 2 | Place Value | Multiplication and division | Position and direction |
Year 3 | Place value | Multiplication and division | Fractions |
Year 4 | Place value | Multiplication and division | Decimals |
Year 5 | Place value | Multiplication and division | Decimals |
Year 6 | Place value | Decimals | Shape |
Whole School Pedagogy
Maths progression and Curriculum Overview
White Rose Calculation Policies
Maths Knowledge Organisers
Pupil View
Maths Co-ordinator

If you have any questions about this area of the curriculum, please feel free to get in touch with the co-ordinator either through Class Dojo or by contacting the school office.