Register of Pecuniary and Personal Interests
All members of the Governing Body, the Headteacher and any staff who influence financial decisions, are expected to declare any business interests that they or any family member may have, and a register of business interests is available both in school and on our website. This register is reviewed on an annual basis and governors are asked to advise the clerk if there are any changes during the year.
Declaring any conflicts of interest is a legal requirement within our Articles of Association and the Academies Financial Handbook. However, making an annual declaration does not remove the requirement to make an oral disclosure of any interest and temporarily leave any meeting, where the interest is relevant to something being discussed at that meeting.
As you will appreciate, the Governing Body must ensure that Governors and staff are not involved in activities that might conflict with their role within the school. It is especially important to demonstrate that individuals do not benefit personally from the decisions made by the Governors, unless such decisions are made openly and legitimately.