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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve


Virtual Library

As part of our initiative to help provide a range of sources for reading at home, every month we create a 'virtual library'!

If you open the attached PDFs below and click on any of the books, it will take you to a video of that book being read aloud.

We really hope you enjoy all of these amazing stories! Have fun reading!

January Virtual Library: Chinese New Year and Burns Night

December Virtual Library: Christmas and the Winter Solstice

November Virtual Library: Remembrance Day and Children in Need: Mood Boosters

October Virtual Library: Black History Month and National Poetry Day

September Virtual Library: Back to School and World Heart Day

July Virtual Library: Transitions and Summer

June Virtual Library: Pride Month and Fathers Day

April Virtual Library: Earth Day and National Pet Month

March Virtual Library: International Women's Day and British Science Week

February Virtual Library: LGBTQ+ History Month and Safer Internet Day
