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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve



Our dream


‘Together, we dream, believe and achieve.’


This simple statement embodies our approach to learning at Redhill. In everything we do, we encourage children to dream big, believe in a pathway to success and achieve excellence. This is modelled through our approach to school improvement and individual development: define your dream, believe in the possibility of realising it by planning a journey towards success then recognise and celebrate your achievements along the way. With this approach in mind, our whole school dream is integral to our success.


At Redhill, our dream helps the school focus its work towards common aims, values and a clear ethos. This dream was developed collaboratively with input from all staff in school, our parents, pupils and school governors and demonstrates our shared ambitions and our passion for providing the most exceptional educational experience possible for our pupils.


Our dream is for all children at Redhill to:


  • Love learning, possess genuine curiosity and excitement about the world around them and achieve academic success
  • Have the confidence to be themselves whilst celebrating others and their unique differences
  • Be happy, have fun at school and be supported with their mental and physical wellbeing whilst making lasting memories
  • Consistently demonstrate kindness, respect and thoughtfulness as part of a vibrant, supportive and loving community
  • Contribute to a culture of positivity and challenge in a safe environment where they learn without limits, are not afraid to take risks and can realise their full potential
  • Be fully prepared, inspired and enthusiastic for their future life in modern Britain

Curriculum Intent


Key Principles

At Redhill, we have designed and personalised our curriculum to ensure that all children leave us with a wide, foundation of knowledge, the necessary skills to be successful, lifelong learners and a passionate curiosity about the world around them. We based our curriculum on five key principles:

  • Achieving academic excellence
  • Increasing children’s cultural capital through a curriculum driven by literature
  • Celebrating and encouraging creativity
  • Teaching the necessary skills and attitudes for effective, sustained, independent learning
  • Actively encouraging children to shape the curriculum and their education


The SECRET to our success

'The SECRET to our success' values are interweaved throughout all of our lessons to ensure that all children embody the values which we, as a school, hold dear:









These key values support outstanding achievement and make Redhill such a special place to be. Furthermore, they integrate social, moral, spiritual and cultural links effectively and contextually throughout all lessons.


Every half term, we have a whole school focus on a chosen value and each class plans and organises a Secret Showcase event which demonstrates their understanding of a selected value and how it links with their current learning. These showcases actively involve parents in the celebration and development of their children’s learning and provide a fantastic opportunity to share the children’s achievements and demonstrate the knowledge they have gained. You can find out more about these events on our Secret Showcase page.


Preparing for Transition


Our curriculum is driven by the need to prepare our children for the next stage of their education, but also for lifelong learning. Through our curriculum, we develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks for later life. We aim for academic excellence in the core areas and expect a large proportion of our Year 6 children to be leaving school working at the ‘greater depth’ level in reading, writing and maths.  Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but provides additional opportunities for children to find their passions and talents.


Key Three

We aim for all children to master the curriculum in each subject area and we have a clear progression through each subject in our ‘Redhill Learning Journey Framework’. This is distilled down to a carefully curated ‘key three’ in every foundation curriculum unit; what we see as the non-negotiable learning which each child should amass as they progress through school. By the end of Year 6, we hope academically that each child will have developed a solid body of knowledge and skills across the whole curriculum which will give them a secure base for the next stage of their education. You can see the Key Three curriculum for each subject on our individual subject pages here.


Knowledge Organisers


The knowledge organiser is the beating heart of each unit. The core content is meticulously curated and organised to clarify the knowledge necessary to develop a deep understanding in each unit of work. Over the course of the years, these knowledge organisers ensure that all pupils become culturally literate and have the opportunity to build a powerful foundation of knowledge. The knowledge organiser acts as a planning, teaching and assessment tool and provides complete clarity to leaders, teachers, pupils and parents about what is expected to be learnt and remembered by the end of the unit, and in the long term. You can find our knowledge organisers here.




Together, our staff curated a list of our specialisms in school. These are areas in which we collectively believe we excel and where we believe we go above and beyond to develop the whole pupil – their self-esteem, their empathy, their confidence and their enjoyment of creativity and self-expression. These specialisms also help us to provide rich and varied opportunities for developing ‘cultural capital’. These opportunities are interwoven through each year group, so that by the end of their journey at Redhill, children have experienced and learned about the best of what has been thought, said, created and achieved. To find out more about our specialisms, click here.


British Values


Our curriculum supports the exploration of new skills and experiences, helping to nurture resilience, curiosity and creativity.  The curriculum is further enhanced by our commitment to a values-based education (which includes British Values) and, through this, we provide learning experiences which promote confident, self-motivated pupils, eager for lifelong learning.


Recovery Curriculum


We recognise that all children’s learning has been affected in an unprecedented way as a result of the 2020 and 2021 national lockdowns. As a result, it has been essential for us to constantly adapt and alter our curriculum in order to meet these emerging needs. Thankfully, our curriculum has been effectively designed to allow us to be fluid with our planning and to personalise our learning to the particular needs of our classes. . Low stakes testing and assessments are an intrinsic feature of our lessons and provide us with an opportunity to identify any gaps in learning and to use this information to adapt our planning to add even more exciting, engaging and effective lessons in order to address these needs. Furthermore, our curriculum has a strong focus on social, moral, spiritual and cultural links which allows us an abundance of opportunities to support and maintain the mental health and wellbeing of our children across the whole curriculum. 
