Our Dream
At Redhill, our dream is for all children to leave our school as:
Children who use P.E. as a positive influence on their concentration, attitude and academic achievement. Children who know how to lead a healthy, active lifestyle who have developed a love of exercise through our teaching. Athletes who participate in sport, no matter their ability or background. Sportspeople who have developed physical literacy and sportsmanship. Children who feel confident to participate in both intra and inter school sports, no matter their ability. Athletes who develop interests in sports within school that they then go on to participate in outside of school and for the rest of their adult lives.
Rationale and implementation
We believe that an outstanding PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of our children.
The Head Teacher and PE co-ordinator are committed to ensure that all pupils receive at least 2 hours of high quality, well-planned PE per week delivered by class teachers and our specialist sports coach.
We also aim to offer a broad range of inter school competitive sport. Children regularly participate in Football, Netball and other sports. An integral part of our ethos is that we enter teams with a variety of abilities therefore providing competitive sport opportunities for all pupils. We also use our specialist sports coach to provide targeted extracurricular activity for SEN children. We look to create links with local sporting teams and have links with Ockbrook Cricket Club and Derby County FC.
Within the school, children from all year groups have the opportunity to participate in our annual sports day and Olympic day. All children receive recognition for their participation and sporting success.
To celebrate children’s sporting achievements, we use our weekly assemblies, newsletters and school website.
At Redhill, we aim to offer children a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs. Clubs are changed half termly and previous clubs have included archery, golf, yoga, hockey, football and netball.
Parents and governors, particularly the P.E. link governor are fully engaged and supportive of Redhill’s PE and school sport.
By working in partnership, parents recognise the enthusiasm and achievements their children have, which further enhances our pupils to be talented happy, healthy and active.
Curriculum Overview
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Reception | Multi-skills | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Striking and Fielding |
Year 1 | Multi-skills | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Striking and Fielding |
Year 2 | Invasion games | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Striking and Fielding |
Year 3 | Invasion games | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Cricket/Rounders |
Year 4 | Invasion games | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Rounders/Cricket |
Year 5 | Invasion games | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Cricket/Rounders |
Year 6 | Invasion games | Gymnastics | Dance | Tennis | Athletics | Rounders/Cricket |
Key Three
Pupil View
PE Superstar
We are really proud of one of our year 5 pupil, Elyza, who will be travelling to Switzerland in the summer of 2022 and Amsterdam in 2023 to compete in a gymnastics competition for Team GB! She will be the youngest member of their current team and will be joined by her older sister and ex-Redhill pupil, Anya.
Well done for representing your school, club and country so fantastically!
PE Co-Ordinator

If you have any questions about this area of the curriculum, please feel free to get in touch with the co-ordinator either through Class Dojo or by contacting the school office.