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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve


How do you monitor the progress made by SEND pupils?

Where a child is identified as having SEND, the school will seek to remove barriers to learning and put SEND provision in place. 

Every half term, pupils with SEND go through an assessment process, focused on assessing the previous terms progress, gaining the views of parents and pupil, planning meaningul and carefully chosen learning targets and implement of individual learning measures through classroom provision and individualised teaching support.


Arrangements include:

  • a Graduated Approach (Assess-Plan-Do-Review)

  • an assessment of the child’s needs

  • creation/review/updating of Individual Education Plans (IEP)

  • data tracking for pupil progress carried out by SENCO and Deputy Head Teacher

  • lesson observations and follow up

  • involvement of an outside agency such as Derbyshire Special Needs Support Services

  • a parent review meeting focusing on review of the interventions and support in place


Outside agencies: You may be asked to give permission for your child to be referred to a specialist provision, e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists or the Community Paediatrician. This will help the school and you to understand your child’s needs better and support them more effectively.
