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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve


The SECRET to our success



These are the six values that constitute the SECRET to our success at Redhill:



We want all of our pupils to embody these values in everything that they do, both in and out of school. That is why we have threaded them through every aspect of our curriculum and why we return to them at every opportunity within school life.

A Whole School Approach


Every half term, we have a whole school focus on a different SECRET value. In the first half of the Autumn term for example, we will be thinking about how we can be supportive and then we will continue through each word respectively throughout the year.


During these focus half terms, the value will be integrated through every aspect of school life. We will be holding assemblies linked to the value; undertaking focussed activities based on the value during community time in each class; handing out rewards and Dojo points for children demonstrating the value; linking our learning across all lessons to the value where possible; and celebrating the value through our displays and classroom environments.

SECRET Showcase

At the end of every half term, each class plans and organises a Secret Showcase event which demonstrates their understanding of the selected value and how it links with their current learning. These showcases actively involve parents in the celebration and development of their children’s learning and provide a fantastic opportunity to share the children’s achievements and demonstrate the knowledge they have gained. We endeavour to make these events as child-led as possible and to give each class the autonomy to choose how they want to showcase their value and what they would like to do.


We also try to instil a social action slant in many of these events in order to demonstrate to the children the many ways that they can have a real impact on their local community and the world around them. For example, in Year 6 in the summer term when the focus word was Thoughtful, the children were reading The Boy at the Back of the Class together and decided that they would like to demonstrate their thoughtfulness by writing letters to refugees and asylum seekers in order to offer friendship and support.


These showcase events are a key part of our curriculum and provide a fantastic opportunity for children to demonstrate and utilise their learning across a range of subjects in a focussed, valuable and contextualised way.

Termly Overview



A love of reading runs through our school and provides the foundation for everything that we do. Therefore, every half term, we curate a selection of books in the library for the children to read and/or take home in order to explore the value further. Some classes also select some books in their classroom to display and provide children with a relevant 'SECRET to our success' bookmark with questions linking the book to the value they are exploring.

SECRET Showcase events

Resilience Walk for Turkey and Syria

Enterprising: Redhill Arts Week 2022 Arts Trail

Resilience: Walk for Ukraine

Enthusiastic: Christmas Music Videos

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Year 5

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Year 4

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Year 3

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Infant Nativity

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Supportive: World Heart Day
