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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve



The first statement in our school vision is that we aim to ‘offer a broad, balanced and enriched curriculum that inspires and enthuses our children and prepares them fully for life in modern Britain.’ At Redhill, we are fully committed to providing our children with the most exciting, engaging and relevant curriculum possible and enrichment plays a key role in this process.


Education is more than just mastering English and maths - it's also about activities that extend children's learning through new experiences and opportunities. Therefore, we are constantly seeking out new ways to enhance our teaching and to provide our pupils with the most exciting school experience we can.


Storybook Curriculum

The carefully planned school's skills based, thematic curriculum, ensures all aspects of the new national curriculum programmes of study are taught and provides a wealth of enrichment and extra-curricular activities. Strong links between subjects and enterprise projects have been established, which provide a wealth of opportunities for pupils to apply key literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum and in real-life contexts. 


School Trips

To enhance the school curriculum and enrich the children's learning experiences, we arrange trips to places of interest for each class at least once a year. Many trips are organised to link with the topics studied by the children that term. Typical examples of school trips are: visits to museums and art galleries; visits to a variety of places of worship such as the church, gurdwara, mosque or synagogue; visits to Cadbury’s World or the Sea Life Centre. Other trips may be arranged to develop a particular skill, for example visits to the local sports events.


The safety of pupils on school trips is, of course, paramount and a full risk assessment is carried out prior to any trip. As part of the risk assessment, teachers are expected, where possible, to visit the location before the visit takes place. If any aspect of the trip presents an unacceptable risk then it will not go ahead.  All risk assessments are approved by the leadership team. Qualified first-aid trained staff accompany pupils on school trips.


We rely on voluntary contributions from parents to enable these trips to take place.  We do try to keep the cost of trips down and always consider value for money when selecting places of interest/learning to visit.



Every year after SATs, our year 6 class visits Kingswood for a two night residential. Whilst there, they undertake several exciting, adventurous activities including abseiling, archery, assault courses, laser tag, zip wires and much more. They spend their nights in dormitories with their friends and always have an incredible experience which is consistently a highlight of their final year at the school.



We undertake two main dramatic performances each year at Redhill. Before Christmas, our KS1 and EYFS classes work together to rehearse and perform a special Christmas play for the children and parents in the school. In summer, our year 6 class, supported by all of the other classes in KS2, stage a special play to mark the end of the year. Both of these performances are consistently spectacular and receive a fantastic response from the audience. They are also vital for showcasing the amazing talent of the children in our school and showing them the amount of work that goes in to putting on a successful public performance.


Every class also individually holds a class assembly each year in which they perform for their parents and the rest of the school. These assemblies link to the class’ current topic and usually include acting, singing and dancing.



We believe that the most successful educational experiences have a real life context and, consequently, every class takes part in a special enterprise event each year during our 'Enterprising' focus half term. These are designed and planned by the class teachers under the children's guidance to allow children an opportunity to plan and organise a profit-making event for the school where they make and sell goods or provide a service. Children are involved in every stage of the event organisation so that they get real, practical experience of planning and budgeting for a specific goal.



Here at Redhill Primary School we like to keep pupils active and engaged at all times, including lunchtimes and after-school. We run many extra-curricular clubs for pupils throughout the year. We also regularly consult pupils on the clubs they would like to be offered. To see what clubs we are currently offering, take a look at our Clubs page on the website.



We regularly enjoy visitors in school. These may be people working within the community, such as police officers, or occasional visitors such as authors. Often parents and carers with a particular skill will come into school to share their expertise. Last year, we were visited by our local MP, Pauline Latham, who taught our school council members all about life as an MP and what it is like in the Houses of Parliament.


Outdoor learning

Children love to be outside and, where appropriate, we are providing opportunities for children to learn outdoors so that they can put their learning in context. In maths for example, measuring becomes more real if pupils are measuring real life objects and distances.


Cycling and Swimming

Every year, our year 6 class undertakes a comprehensive Bikeability scheme to safely prepare them and train them for cycling at home and out on the local streets.


Our Year 4 class attends the West Park Leisure centre once a week for swimming lessons with qualified instructors. In the final half term of each year, our year 6 class attends the leisure centre for a final assessment of their swimming abilities.
