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Redhill Primary School

Together we dream, believe and achieve


British Values

Promoting Fundamental British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs 


‘British Values’  represent the key principles and attitudes which we foster in students through the school ethos and curriculum in order to prepare them for life in modern Britain. We expect children at Redhill to be respectful and empathetic, valuing and contributing to our community. We foster this ethos through assemblies, PSHE, community time, visits and visitors and modelling appropriate attitudes and behaviours. Children are encouraged to take responsibility for our school community. For example, Year 6 pupils take on a wide variety of jobs such as running the office or dinner hall during lunchtime, or organising playtime games for the infants.


We encourage children to contribute to the wider community too through our links with a local charity which supports older people in the local area.


Specifically, British Values are promoted throughout the school curriculum and in wider school life as set out below.


DEMOCRACY: In the classroom, children are encouraged to discuss, contribute, question and justify in all areas of the curriculum though skilled questioning by staff. Children are expected to be actively involved in their own learning. They directly contribute to the planning of lessons and provide display ideas. School council provides an opportunity for children to develop their understanding of the democratic process and to contribute to aspects of school life through, for example, organising charity events or choosing playground equipment. We have parent and pupil questionnaires yearly, which contribute to future development plans. In these ways, through the curriculum and through the wider life of the school, children are made to feel that their contributions are valued and have impact.


RULE OF LAW: Standards of behaviour at Redhill are very high, and children understand the need for rules to keep us safe, happy and to help us learn. We have a home-school agreement which sets out expectations and ensures parental support for our rules and values. We manage behaviour positively, with a reward scheme linked to an app which allows parents to see how well their child is doing. Our PSHE curriculum has a specific focus on rules and developing citizenship. Visitors to assembly include the police and fire service, encouraging children to develop respect for the authorities who help us.


INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY: Children at Redhill Primary have devised the ‘Redhill Rights’ which set out clearly what every student has an entitlement to.

These are:

- To be listened to

- To feel safe

- To have fun on the playground

- To have friends

- To feel good about themselves

These rights are discussed through PSHE sessions and in assemblies so that children feel confident to exercise their rights but also understand the responsibilities they have in order to protect the rights of others. Our PSHE program and assemblies regularly focus on rights and responsibilities at school, national and international level.


MUTUAL RESPECT: Our ‘Redhill Responsibilities’ work hand in hand with the Redhill Rights, listing learning attitudes and social skills which we value.

These are:

- Responsibility – taking responsibility for our learning and our actions

- Enthusiasm - getting involved

- Discipline – understanding and following the rules

- Helpful attitude- supporting each other

- Intelligent in different ways – valuing each other’s differing strengths

- Looking after people – showing consideration for everyone in our school community

- Lovely listening skills – listen to learn, listen to support These responsibilities are actively promoted through our ‘house point’ system.


Our PSHE curriculum develops children’s empathy. Anti-bullying is a high priority through PSHE, assemblies, anti-bullying week activities and our e-safety lessons.


TOLERANCE: Through school, our children are exposed to a variety of different cultures through visits to places of worship and visitors of differing faiths. The assembly programme is linked to world faith festivals and celebration. We use art as an inclusive and engaging tool to teach children about different cultures, using visiting artists to work with children. We have ‘community time’ at the end of the school day. As part of this, we look at what is happening in the wider world in an age-appropriate way and children are encouraged to express and explain their own feelings and to ask questions.

British Values in the Curriculum
